Saturday, September 28, 2013

The poverty issue in Japan

Poverty is an issue that will not go away. In some part of the world there will always be someone or a group of people that are hungry and/or without basics on a regular basis. One country I want to talk about that has a growing number of poverty stricken citizens is Japan. Japan has the third largest economy so one would not think it has a poverty problem, yet it does. The rate of poverty on this country has grown over the years. In October 2009, Japan's Labor Ministry released a report which stated that almost one in six Japanese, which would be 20 million people, lived in poverty, in 2007. Another study showed that 1 out of 3 Japanese women in the age group of 20-64, and those who live alone, were living in poverty.  The poverty rate is increasing at a rate of 1.3% and not much is clear as to why the rate is growing. 


  1. Hi Jalice,
    You bring up an interesting topic. We lived in Japan for about 3 years and I can tell you that the Japanese are very proud people and do not readily ask for help. This may be a cause for poverty in Japan. There are also an abundance of elderly people in Japan, and with a negative population growth, could it be possible that there is not enough people to help care for the elderly and they fall into poverty? Japan is a very interesting place. Thanks for the information!

  2. Hi Jalice,
    I found your post to be very interesting. I also found while I was researching poverty that some of the countries that seem to be doing well economically have high rates of poverty. sometimes it seemed that the rich were very rich, the poor were very poor and there was not much in between. I also find it interesting that the poverty rate is increasing but they are not sure why. I wonder if more studies are being done to find a reason.

  3. I found your post to be interesting.In some part of the world there will always be someone or a group of people that are hungry and/or without basics needs. I most certainly agree with you. I find out more and more each day that the great U.S. has a problem also. Japan has the third largest economy so one would not think it has a poverty problem, yet it does. The rate of poverty in this country has grown over the years. It makes me think about the number of children in the United States (Mississippi) which go home and unable to eat because there is no food., not adequate water, lights and many of your basic needs.
