Friday, November 22, 2013

My Connections to Play

“The child amidst his baubles is learning the action of light, motion, gravity, muscular force….” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I like this quote because it eloquently explains how play IS learning. As a child, I played outside often. I saw many different types of trees, leaves, and animals. I also learned skills, like, climbing and picking fruit when it’s ready. When children play, they are unconsciously testing, observing, theorizing, experimenting, and finding solutions.

“Play is the highest form of research.” ~ Albert Einstein 

Other than my love for Einstein, I love this quote because it simply states how easily children learn. I think sometimes adults forget about children’s natural ability to learn. We learn best when we are not “trying” to learn to all.  We are born with an innate drive to investigate and figure things out. Play is the highest form of research because you get all the benefits from doing the research without any of the “work”.
“In our play we reveal what kind of people we are.” ~Ovid (Roman poet)
            This quote has two meanings to me. Play allows children to express their inner selves in the most natural of ways; it is freedom of expression. As a teacher and a parent, it is a wonderful way to understand a child and their behavior. This quote also explains to me how the experiences and play children have during the early years sets the foundation for who we are as adults. During play, children learn what they like and don’t like. They gain a sense of who they are over a period of time.

One essential play item of mine was my big wheel. I remember riding on it for hours up and down the street; I loved it! Something as simple as riding this toy and feeling the wind in my hair was a release for me. Sometimes when I’m having fun driving in my car I get that same feeling I did as a child on my big wheel. Now, if only I could use the same type of petal power with the same speed of my car, my wallet and I would be very happy!

I also adored my Krystal Princess dolls. I liked them so much because they were pretty, had colored hair, were sparkly, and had their own separate carriage to stroll them around. They were also a brand that had pieces you could add to the collection. I got joy from buying new princesses and adding them to my Krystal City. I loved my collection!
"Simon Says" is a game I loved playing. I also played the group version in preschool and with my cousins. This light game would light one light on the first turn that the player has to copy. On the second turn, two light would light up in sequence, again, that you had to copy. This would continue with three, four and so on.  There was something exciting and thrilling about trying to see how many times you could copy Simon as it got harder and harder. Its a great memory skills game and the best part you are having fun! 
My parents played a lot with me growing up. I remember playing video games with my parents. I still do to this day. It was and still is a good reason to get together and have down time. My mom and I would play with my dolls and cook together. I loved helping her in the kitchen and always saw this time as play time. Watching how my mom turned a bag of groceries into a delicious meal really interested me. There is a lot to cooking and I loved it. I still get that same joy when I cook as an adult. I had a lot of fun working puzzles with my dad. One activity we did that we both really enjoyed was listening and singing to music. As I played as a child, I was learning what I was interested in and what I enjoyed. It is funny; nearly all of the things that I recall having a genuine interest and good time doing as a child, I still enjoy doing today. As a child, it is awesome when you discover something that makes you happy while playing. As an adult, it is a good feeling when you are successful at something you like because of the fun practice you were able to have as a child. 
I feel that play these days involves a little bit less outdoor activities. I think this is because technology has had great improvements in the past twenty years. It has been like a drug for children and teenagers. With these improvements, you can get information faster and easier. Who wouldn't want that? Well, like everything, technology use should be used in moderation. The problem comes when you don't even out physical play with video or internet play.  Video games and internet usage can be educational and offers many wonderful benefits when done in the right way.  Also I think kids are playing less and less board games. This too is because they can be played on the computer or phone. This takes away that valuable face-to-face time that you get with board games. The more we can socialize in person and communicate in our physical form the more we learn how to communicate and make friends; things I feel that have a limited means to achieve.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jalice!
    I loved Simon Says. I think my friends had one because I remember playing it a lot, but didn't have one myself :). I do not remember Krystal Princess dolls. Must have been after my time.
    I think you are right about video games. They can have education value, but should be done in moderation. A little bit here and there, as long as they contribute something is fine. I do not agree with games like Grand Theft Auto or others that teach children that crime is OK. I also find a lot of value in board games. My husband and I make it a point to have family game night. It is so important to have that social time to bond and communicate. Since they are 4 and 3, we are building a habit with them.
    Thanks, Jalice. Great post.
