My contact from Morocco has not gotten back to me yet this week but I'm sure she will get to me soon and I will make another post with her information. Instead I will share the newsletter information I got from the ZERO TO THREE website. This week the newsletter discusses the developments of babies aged 10-12 months. Its such a short amount of time but so many changes occur. We can give our babies the best care when we know what these changes are and how to facilitate learning during this time.
Month 10- babies start to say more words like "Muh" for more or milk and "bah" for a parent. Continuing to read and talk about everything to them will help them learn the sounds and words. They also love to play with cause and effect. They love repetition and will want to play the same games and sing the same songs. These are wonderful opportunities for learning and continuing to build your relationship.
Month 11-Babies may start walking, pulling up and free standing. It is good to help to correct the child from sitting in positions that may hinder their physical development. This include sitting with their legs outstretched beside them. Children should sit with either their legs stretched out in front of them or under them for muscle development to occur properly.
Month 12- Children can throw a ball and turn pages in a book. They can point to a body part or object in a book if you ask them to. They show you want the want know by their actions. They may bring you their blanket if they are tired or a their sippy cup if they are thirsty. They love to be active and move as much as they can. Giving them opportunities for them to associate with other children and be outside to free play are wonderful ways of fostering their development.
Keep in mind that these developmental milestones are only what may occur. If they do not happen then the child is just not ready and it no cause for concern. Children learn at their own pace. It should only be a concern if the child is not walking by age 18 months. The child should be taken to see if there a physical problem, like a muscle disorder, that is out of their control.
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