Saturday, February 15, 2014

Zero to Three Policy page

This week, I want to focus on the policy change efforts made by the Zero to Three organization. Here is the link where they are discussed: 

The programs in place already have done wonderful things for infants and young children across the nation. Mental health and poverty are a main focus of these programs. The Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grant Program is aimed at supporting states efforts to increase the number of children with high needs, birth to five, in high quality early childhood settings and also build comprehensive early learning systems. Their increased efforts to strengthen health and developmental screening practices is improving the lives of infants and toddlers by making sure developmental delays are identified and treated early. The earlier, the better as we all know. I would like everyone’s opinion on this grant program. Do you think it is effective and if not how could it be better?
There is also a video about the program “Rally for Babies”:

Some famous actors, like, Jennifer Garner, play a part in the operation of this program. Many great points are made about the things and relationships that babies need to flourish. I appreciate Obama’s efforts to improve early education and the lives of young children. His administration also needs to focus on the care of infants as well. It is just as important as dealing with issues for children aged 3 and older if not more important. Again I would like your feedback on this video! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Again I am intrigued to learn more about the Zero to Three organization. I have been focusing on the Save the Children organization, one in which Jennifer Garner is also a strong spokesperson for! I will have to check out the video, as well. Thank you for always sharing information and additional resources to consider! :)
    Ashley Richards
