Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Attachment Parenting

The website,, is a helpful website explaining the importance of attachment during the first three years and its positive effects to child development. Infants thrive when they have a close, trusting, and strong bond between mother, father, and caregiver. Any person(s) giving care to a new infant can use this site to learn about how to emotionally attach to a baby and how to understand the needs of the baby. It is important to respond to the baby's every need and to do it in a timely manner. This will ensure trust and a healthy development between baby and caregiver. Newborns can bond to a number of people in the first year. Consistency and a nurturing environment are key. A toddler with a strong bond with its mother or father will be a well-behaved baby and a happier one too. This website has eight principals on how to bond effectively and ensure trust between baby and caregiver. If any one has any comments about this website or know of any other websites related that can be of use, would be really appreciated.


  1. Hi Jalice. My name is BethAnn and I am one of your group mates in the ECE program at Walden. It looks like you really have a passion for early child hood education and I look forward to sharing that with you. If you have not already visited, you can check out this website for great information on all stages of child development:

    1. That website is very helpful and has a lot of information! I always like info on child development from different sources. Thank you!

  2. Hi Jalice, my name is Keli Jackson and I am your class mate at Walden. I love your blog! I am a infant/toddler teacher and I enjoyed reading the article you posted. I am going to share this article with my co teacher as well as the toddler teachers.

  3. Im glad this article is useful for you and your co-teachers. I have worked in a toddler room for many years. I just started working in an infant room a couple months ago and I did some research to update myself on infant care. This article help me a lot!
